Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The 2008 Resolutions...

Ooh, I should make real resolutions...I really usually don't and when I do, they have no chance at achieving...perhaps I should keep a separate blog page, and see if I can stick to them?
I sucked at the dating project last year...btw;) Lets see...

1) Lose 20lbs...I should really lose 80(not joking), but 20 is probably more doable, and ya have to start somwhere...I need to really work out new office, starting Feb, will be right across the street to the gym I already pay monthly dues to........erm, but rarely goto...that needs to change.

2) One date a month - seriously, this should not be that is, but it shouldn't be...I need to work on this...and not be such a lazy ass...

3) Pay off at least 25-50% of outstanding debt...yeah, I should pay it all off. But, again, trying to be realistic. I need to make a plan, and stick to it...rather than just thinking "yeah, I should do that".

4) Make a significant life change job, move, commit to a relationship, lose alot of weight, get in shape, anything that will impact the direction of my life - even a life plan would be a reasonable change...hell, I am turning 35, and have lacked any real life goals...this first occurred to me when I turned 30, but didn't really do anything to change the non direction...I have always been a see what comes life person, and while its been fun, I have been sensing for a year now, I need a real change, I just don't know what it is...

5) Clean my house and get a maid. Seriously, I NEED to do have no idea.

Thats five real things I need to do....hmmm, lets see if I can!!! I will blog progress monthly, minimum, promise (that would be like, resolution #6!)


Dream Baby Dream said...

LOL...I don't do resolutions. If I call something a New Year's Resolution, it will inevitably be something else that I FAIL at. But I have made a decision to work towards getting healthier...and I blogged about it earlier.

Cheryl said...

You rock! Seriously!

Congratulations and good luck!

Glowie said...

See? I thought this was going to be something that women have to do when they turn 35. Like a medical to do list or something like that. This? is much more interesting.

I have to quit smoking and lose weight. I don't dare try to do them at the same time. I said I didn't want to be smoking when I turned 35 but that will have to change (yet again) to I want to quit smoking when I'm 35.

It is good to have resolutions, I think, as long as they are attainable. *smooch*